
Here's the reason why it's so difficult to maintain a regular pace!


Running is one of the best ways to maintain good physical and mental health, yet many people struggle with regularly engaging in this activity. Why is it so hard to consistently run?


One of the main reasons why people have difficulties with consistent running is the lack of a steady habit. Demanding oneself to run every day can be too big of a task for many individuals who have led a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Habit, or the regularity of actions, is crucial here, but it requires time and patience.


Life often surprises us with different surprises that affect our plans. It could be illness, sudden business trips, or unexpected family issues. Such events make it impossible for us to run consistently. When life turns us upside down, sacrifices of our time and energy are necessary to solve life problems.


The time allocated for running is often difficult to find as well. We have many other pressing obligations that require our attention and time. Even if we are motivated to run, we often do not have the time due to work, school, or childcare. The available time in a week is not enough for sports.


Just as there is a lack of time during the week, difficulties with consistent running can also appear when looking at a month’s scale. Some people set ambitious goals that most of us would find difficult to accomplish in a month. The lack of a schedule and training plans can lead to failure in the long run.

Running can be a fantastic form of physical activity, but it requires time, patience, and determination. Habit, planning, and constant motivation are key. No matter how difficult running may seem, remember that the most crucial thing is to strive for the goal that brings the best results in the long run.