
10 Mysterious Unix Functions You May Not Know!


Article: The Unix operating system, although much older than most popular systems today, still harbors many mysterious features worth exploring. These hidden commands and tools can surprise even experienced programmers or administrators. One particular function deserves attention - ssh-agent. It is a tool for managing SSH private keys that significantly simplifies working with Unix servers.

ssh-agent is a daemon that keeps private keys used for user authentication. Instead of entering a password every time we connect to a server, we can simply add the key to the ssh-agent, and it will be remembered for the entire session. This may seem like a small discovery, but when you work on multiple servers at once, it becomes an invaluable tool.

One command that may surprise you is strings. This command prints character strings found in a binary file. How can this be useful? For example, you can find hidden messages or information in the code of the program you are analyzing. It is one of those discoveries that may not seem spectacular at first glance, but in the right hands, it can make a difference.

Another fascinating feature is lsof, which allows you to display all open files in the system. You can use it to check which files are currently being used by which processes - this is especially useful when you try to delete a file but the system prevents you from doing so because it is in use. Discovering this command can save you a lot of time and frustration.

In summary, Unix hides many mysterious features. Working with this operating system can be full of discoveries, regardless of your level of experience. Just because Unix is older doesn’t mean it’s outdated. On the contrary, its features and tools are still incredibly helpful and powerful. Exploring the secrets of Unix is a fascinating journey that allows for a better understanding of how operating systems work.